About this guide

This guide covers

  • How to configure Titan with Titanium
  • How to use various storage backends

What version of Titanium does this guide cover?

This guide covers Titanium 1.0.0-beta1.

Configuring Titan

clojurewerkz.titanium.graph/open is a polymorphic function that accepts:

  • Clojure maps where keys are configuration properties
  • Paths to configuration (.properties) files as strings or java.io.File instances
  • Paths to local DB directories as strings or java.io.File instances

It is a minimal wrapper on top of the configuration methods for Titan that already exist.

In-Memory Graph DB

In-memory graph can be obtained using the clojurewerkz.titanium.graph/open function:

(ns myservice.graphs
  (:require [clojurewerkz.titanium.graph :as tg]))

(defn- main
  [& args]
  ;; opens an in-RAM graph database
  (tg/open {"storage.backend" "inmemory"})
 (comment Work with the graph here))


Here's one way of opening a Titan instance backed by BerkeleyDB. It's useful for testing and REPL experimentation:

(ns myservice.graphs
  (:require [clojurewerkz.titanium.graph :as tg]))

(defn- main
  [& args]
  ;; opens a BerkeleyDB-backed graph database in a temporary directory
  (tg/open (System/getProperty "java.io.tmpdir"))
  (comment Work with the graph here))

Note that BerkeleyDB will lock directory it uses, so only one JVM can access a directory at a time. If you have a BerkeleyDB-backed database open in the REPL, this may prevent you from running tests or apps on the command line.

Everything else

Most everything else can be accomplished by using a .properties file or passing in a clojure map. Titanium steps out of your way and doesn't provide anything extra on top of Titan. Here's what Bumi uses to configure Titan. This opens up a Titan instance with embedded Cassandra by specifying the backend and the config file for cassandra.


(def graph-config
  { ;; Embedded cassandra settings
   "storage.backend"  "embeddedcassandra"
   (str "file://" (System/getProperty "user.dir")  "/resources/cassandra.yaml") }  )

(tg/open graph-config)

What's next

We recommend that you read the following guides in this order:

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Let us know what was unclear or what has not been covered. Reader feedback is key to making the documentation better. If we know people are reading the documentation, we'll be much more inclined to make the documentation that much better. Please speak up!