Ogre integration

Titanium has been built in parallel with Ogre, a library designed to make asking rich questions about graphs as easy as possible. Below we will walk through one of the tests of Titanium and see what sorts of neat things Ogre can do. This is by no means a comprehensive guide to Ogre, but rather a means to entice you into using that library as well.


First, we'll switch into an appropriate namespace and open up the database:

(ns clojurewerkz.titanium.integration-test
  (:require [clojurewerkz.titanium.graph    :as tg]
            [clojurewerkz.titanium.vertices :as tv]
            [clojurewerkz.titanium.edges    :as ted]
            [ogre.core :as oq])
  (:import java.io.File))

(tg/open (System/getProperty "java.io.tmpdir"))            

Note that Titanium is built with Ogre, and so ogre.core should be immediately available once you have Titanium as a dependency. Next, we'll create a simplified version of the canonical graph of the gods example :

 (let [saturn   (tv/create! {:name "Saturn"   :type "titan"})
       jupiter  (tv/create! {:name "Jupiter"  :type "god"})
       hercules (tv/create! {:name "Hercules" :type "demigod"})
       alcmene  (tv/create! {:name "Alcmene"  :type "human"})
       neptune  (tv/create! {:name "Neptune"  :type "god"})
       pluto    (tv/create! {:name "Pluto"    :type "god"})
       sea      (tv/create! {:name "Sea"      :type "location"})
       sky      (tv/create! {:name "Sky"      :type "location"})
       tartarus (tv/create! {:name "Tartarus" :type "location"})
       nemean   (tv/create! {:name "Nemean"   :type "monster"})
       hydra    (tv/create! {:name "Hydra"    :type "monster"})
       cerberus (tv/create! {:name "Cerberus" :type "monster"})]
   (ted/connect! neptune :lives sea)
   (ted/connect! jupiter :lives sky)
   (ted/connect! pluto :lives tartarus)
   (ted/connect! jupiter :father saturn)
   (ted/connect! hercules :father jupiter)
   (ted/connect! hercules :mother alcmene)
   (ted/connect! jupiter :brother pluto)
   (ted/connect! pluto :brother jupiter)
   (ted/connect! neptune :brother pluto)
   (ted/connect! pluto :brother neptune)
   (ted/connect! jupiter :brother neptune)
   (ted/connect! neptune :brother jupiter)
   (ted/connect! cerberus :lives tartarus)
   (ted/connect! pluto :pet cerberus)
   (ted/connect! hercules :battled nemean   {:times 1})
   (ted/connect! hercules :battled hydra    {:times 2})
   (ted/connect! hercules :battled cerberus {:times 12})))

Who is Saturn's grandson?

 (oq/query (tv/find-by-kv :name "Saturn")
           (oq/<-- [:father])
           (oq/<-- [:father])
           (oq/property :name)
;= "Hercules" 

Who were the parents of Hercules?

 (oq/query (tv/find-by-kv :name "Hercules")
           (oq/--> [:father :mother])
           (oq/property :name)
;= #{"Alcmene" "Jupiter"}           

What has Hercules battled more than once?

 (oq/query (tv/find-by-kv :name "Hercules")
           (oq/--E> [:battled])
           (oq/has :times > 1)
           (oq/property :name)
;= #{"Hydra" "Cerberus"}           

How many different things has Hercules battled?

 (oq/query (tv/find-by-kv :name "Hercules")
           (oq/--E> [:battled])
;= 3

Who lives where Pluto lives?

 (let [pluto (first (tv/find-by-kv :name "Pluto"))]
   (oq/query pluto
    (oq/--> [:lives])
    (oq/<-- [:lives])
    (oq/except [pluto])
    (oq/property :name)
;= #{"Cerberus"}    

Who are the brothers of Pluto and where do they live?

 (oq/query (tv/find-by-kv :name "Pluto")
           (oq/--> [:brother])
           (oq/as  "god")
           (oq/out [:lives])
           (oq/as  "place")
           (oq/select (oq/prop :name))
;= #{ {:god "Neptune" :place "Sea"} {:god "Jupiter" :place "Sky"}}

Wrapping Up

That's just a taste of what Ogre can do. If you made it all the way here, you should really read the docs.

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Let us know what was unclear or what has not been covered. Reader feedback is key to making the documentation better. If we know people are reading the documentation, we'll be much more inclined to make the documentation that much better. Please speak up!