About this guide

This guide covers

  • How to create vertices
  • How to delete vertices
  • How to work with vertex attributes

What version of Titanium does this guide cover?

This guide covers Titanium 1.0.0-beta1.

Working with Vertices

This guide provides a list of all methods for working with vertices in Titanium. Unless otherwise mentioned, all of the following functions reside in the clojurewerkz.titanium.vertices namespace.

All examples should run with the following namespace declaration and example data.

(ns titanium.vertices
  (:require [clojurewerkz.titanium.graph    :as tg]
            [clojurewerkz.titanium.vertices :as tv]))

(tg/open (System/getProperty "java.io.tmpdir"))            

(def example-vertex (tg/transact! (tv/create! {:name "Zack" :role "Example"})))

Creating vertices

Simple creation

create! will create a vertex and, optionally, assign a map of properties to it as well.

(tg/transact! (tv/create!))
(tg/transact! (tv/create! {:name "Bear"}))


upsert! will look to see if vertices exist with the given key and property. If so, then the function will merge the given map into the found vertices and return the set of vertices. If not, the vertex will be created with the supplied properties then put into a set and returned.

(tg/transact! (tv/upsert! :location {:name "Zack" :location "Moscow"}))
(tg/transact! (tv/create! {:name "Trent" :location "Moscow"}))
(tg/transact! (tv/upsert! :location {:location "Moscow" :occupation "student"}))

Uniquely upserting vertex

unique-upsert! is exactly like upsert!, except it only returns one vertex. It will throw an error if more than one vertex is returned.

Getting properties

Below are methods which somehow deal with getting the properties of a node.

Getting a property

To get a single property value, use get:

(tg/transact! (tv/get (tv/refresh example-vertex) :name))
;= "Zack"

Listing property names

To obtain a set of the property names for a node, use keys:

(tg/transact! (tv/keys (tv/refresh example-vertex)))
;= #{:name :role}

Listing property values

To obtain a set of the property values for a node, use vals:

(tg/transact! (tv/vals (tv/refresh example-vertex)))
;= #{"Zack" "Example"}

Getting the id

To get the id of a vertex, use id-of:

(tv/id-of example-vertex)
;= 1337

Getting all properties

Vertices in Titanium are mutable objects. However, it is easy to obtain an immutable Clojure map of their properties using to-map:

(tg/transact! (tv/to-map (tv/refresh example-vertex)))
;= {:name "Zack" :role "example" :__id__ 1337}

Note that the returned maps will include all of the original properties of the node, as well as an additional :__id__ property which holds onto the id of the node.

Modifying properties

Setting properties

Because vertices in Titanium are mutable, functions that mutate their properties are named with an exclamation point ("bang") at the end, like Clojure transients.

To set one or more properties on a vertex, use clojurewerkz.titanium.vertices/assoc!, which mimics clojure.core/assoc!:

(tg/transact! (tv/assoc! (tv/refresh example-vertex) :status "documenting" :eye-color "blue"))

Merging properties

To merge a map (or multiple maps) into the map of vertex properties, use merge!:

(tg/transact! (tv/merge! (tv/refresh example-vertex) {:status "documenting" :eye-color "blue"}))

Updating properties

To update a vertex's properties, use update!:

(tg/transact! (tv/assoc!  (tv/refresh example-vertex) :toes 10))
(tg/transact! (tv/update! (tv/refresh example-vertex) :toes inc))

Unsetting properties

To remove a property from a vertex, use dissoc!:

(tg/transact! (tv/dissoc! (tv/refresh example-vertex) :toes))

Clearing all properties

To clear all properties on a vertex, there is clear!:

(tg/transact! (tv/clear! (tv/refresh example-vertex)))

Removing vertices

To remove a vertex, use remove!:

(tg/transact! (tv/remove! (tv/refresh example-vertex)))

Retrieving vertices

The methods below provide various ways to retrieve vertices.

Retrieving by id

Given an id, find-by-id retrieves the vertex with that idea.

(tg/transact! (tv/find-by-id 24601))

Retrieving by key and value

Given a key and a value, find-by-kv returns all the vertices which have that key and value in a set.

(tg/transact! (tv/find-by-kv :name "Linus Torvalds"))

Retrieving all vertices

get-all-vertices returns all vertices in a graph. No, really. This could be very slow and might throw errors depending on your backend.

(tg/transact! (tv/get-all-vertices))

What's next

We recommend that you read the following guides in this order:

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Let us know what was unclear or what has not been covered. Reader feedback is key to making the documentation better. If we know people are reading the documentation, we'll be much more inclined to make the documentation that much better. Please speak up!